How To Avoid The “Cash-Flow Crunch” Of A Network Upgrade

If you’re facing an expensive server refresh, network upgrade or expansion, there are two options you should consider to cut costs. The first is moving your network to the cloud. Doing this can often reduce hardware, software and support costs significantly over time, not to mention giving you more flexibility to work remote and from various devices.

One-Minute Habits To Supercharge Your Day

One minute is all it might take to make your day a lot more productive. Here are some ways:

1. Take a minute to set the stage for success. Before you start doing something – before you start doing anything – answer this question: “What can I do to make this awesome?” That might sound cheesy, but it’s the perfect question to ask dozens of times each day.

What To Do If A Hacker Attacks Your Network

It’s like any other day at the offi ce until you get an e-mail from a client saying he received several strange e-mails from you, and suggests that you may have been hacked. You check and, sure enough, you’ve been compromised. So what do you do now? How many other clients have gotten the same message? Should you e-mail the rest of your clients with the news? And what else have the hackers gained access to? What do you do NOW?

Don’t dismiss it or ignore it.

6 Ways To Make Your Business Look Bigger Than It Really Is

Before I tell you how to do it, you need to know why you need do it. As a general rule, prospects have more confi dence in bigger companies. At a subconscious level, a larger company automatically indicates a successful company. After all, anyone can start a business by themselves at a snap of their fi ngers.

Is Your LinkedIn Profile Hurting Your Reputation?

Quick: Do a search on your NAME and see what comes up. Chances are your LinkedIn profile comes up in the top one to five SERPs (search engine results pages). Because of this, it’s critical you have a professional profile; prospects WILL search on your name before meeting with you or doing business with your company.

Should You Let Your Employees Use Personal Devices For Work?

BYOD, or “bring your own device,” is one of the fastest-growing trends for all businesses. With almost all applications moving to the cloud, it’s no longer necessary to have a traditional network with laptops and PC connected. But is it a GOOD idea to give employees that freedom? Here are some pros and cons about employees using their own laptops, tablets, and smartphones for work.
