One-Minute Habits To Supercharge Your Day

One minute is all it might take to make your day a lot more productive. Here are some ways:

1. Take a minute to set the stage for success. Before you start doing something – before you start doing anything – answer this question: “What can I do to make this awesome?” That might sound cheesy, but it’s the perfect question to ask dozens of times each day. Intend to be awesome and more often than not you will succeed. Always take a minute to decide how you will make whatever you’re doing turn out awesome.

2. Take a minute to summarize meaningful interactions. You talk. You share. You agree on plans. There’s an outcome. Something happened – but all too often you forget what happened. Don’t. Take a minute and make a few notes. The habit of summarizing creates a self-reinforcing loop: When you need to take notes later, you’ll listen a lot more closely now.

3. Take a minute to prepare before every meeting. Surely you’ve walked into a meeting where the first time you really thought about that meeting was when you actually sat down. Take a minute to think about who will attend. Consider their agendas, their perspectives, what they are likely to say and do, and create a plan for how you will make the biggest impact.

pcp34. Take a minute to write down your ideas. How many good ideas have you forgotten? How many ideas have you forgotten that you forgot? As soon as you have an idea, take a minute to write it down. Carry a small notebook, use a Notes app on your phone, keep a Word doc open at all times on your laptop, or do all three.

5. Take a minute to ensure you hit tomorrow’s ground running. Every day has two or three most important tasks you definitely need to complete. Don’t wait until tomorrow to figure out what those tasks should be. Write them down before you leave work.

That way you won’t get distracted by other stuff, and you’ll set the stage for a great day by accomplishing something important first thing.
