
How to build a better chatbot

In today’s tech-centric world, the demand for new apps is overwhelming the supply. Whether due to simple curiosity or just plain excitement, people are usually drawn to chatbots. In time, however, novelty wears thin and people lose interest. This may be partially due to the fact that bots aren’t as engaging as we initially imagined […]

The 8-hour workday is as outdated as the manual typewriter.

If you want to get a whole lot more done in your day, it’s time to rethink how you structure it. Working eight hours per day started in the industrial revolution as a way to limit the number of hours workers had to endure on the factory floor. Yet a recent study by the Draugiem Group found that the ideal work-to-break ratio was 52 minutes of work with a 17-minute break.

3 Ways To Manage Someone You Hate

Hate your coworker or employee? Congratulations! You have completed the first step in making things work. Acknowledging you have a problem, after all, is the first step.

Ironically, teams where everyone likes each other are typically weak teams. People (that includes you) have a tendency to like people who are like them.

Employees Keeping Your Data Safe? Don’t Count On It

The biggest block to protecting your company’s data is employee ignorance about cybersecurity. In fact, your employees are probably compromising your data right now and aren’t even aware of it.

In case you haven’t read the reports, a statement from one of the many companies recently forced to close its doors following a cyber-attack involving one of their own employees brings the point home:

“Code Spaces will not be able to operate beyond this point.

Virtualize your network with telecom giants

With virtualization yet to make its way into the lexicon of common tech phrases, many business owners are still trying to decipher the full extent of its value. Various aspects of the service have evolved over time, and we can probably expect more to come. For now, however, one of its existing functions is getting […]

6 tips for improving your SMB’s Facebook page

Facebook’s most recent monthly active users numbered over 1.7 billion. Billion, with a ‘b.’ Since creating and managing a page for your business is free, there simply isn’t an excuse to put off doing so another day. Whether your page is being neglected because of low traffic or ROI on the time you invest in […]

Newest member of Office 365: Bookings

The latest addition to the Office 365 family is Bookings. This online service helps schedule appointments with businesses using software. Good ‘ol pen and paper definitely still work, but given the world’s technological advances, digital appointment management makes sense. Besides never having to pick up the phone to schedule your events ever again, here are […]

How to solve these six Window 10 problems

Where has all my storage space gone? Why isn’t the Windows Update working? How can I play a DVD on my PC? A lot of Windows 10 users are frustrated with these problems and still, they don’t know how to fix them. Let us be your guide. Here we’ve provided the answers to the 6 […]

5 ways to mobilize your SMB with an iPad

Technology continues to trend toward increased mobility, and business practices are headed along with it. Apple’s iPad has fairly universal appeal as a personal tablet, but what about its small- or medium-sized business potential? If you own an iPad, it’s likely you’re already using it for email and browsing to help manage your business, but […]

Free decryption tools fight ransomware

In computers, as in war, encryption is a way of encoding sensitive information so only authorized parties can make use of it. Unfortunately, computer hackers have developed ways to infiltrate your company’s network and systems, take your confidential data hostage, and unlawfully encrypt it. Pay them a ransom and you may or may not get […]
