
Your Calories

Business lunches can wreck a healthy diet plan. Yet there is a way to enjoy them without busting your calorie count. The secret? Enlist your calendar to help you eat out more often without gaining weight. Here’s how:

1) Limit restaurant meals to one or two per week.

2) Plan ahead so you can make reservations at a locally owned restaurant that serves fresh food with little sugar, salt and fat content.

3) On days when you’re not eating out, pack a lunch from home ahead of time.

With a little planning, you may literally be able to “have your cake and eat it too”!

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Your Employees

Outsourcing can make reg- ular employees feel a bit nervous. To keep things calm at the offi ce, let your team in on the reason for bringing in an outsider. When they understand that their jobs are safe, they can relax and support your position. Tasks that need special skills, such as marketing with social media, are often easier to fi ll with a freelancer. And, as soon as the job is done, the worker leaves without delay. Mindless jobs like shredding documents are often better outsourced. Your team is then freed up for more productive – and less tedious – work.

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Your Team

Company meetings can fall fl at when team members aren’t at ease. It’s tough to break the ice, though, when the only thing that people have in common is their job. Yet when folks find out something of interest in another person, they’ll relax and open up.

Here’s a simple game to liven things up at your next meeting: Ask each person to choose a partner, then see if they can fi nd fi ve things they have in common. When you hear them laughing out loud, you’ll know they’ve found someone with the same birthday, with a funny dog story or who went to the same high school… Now you’ve got a team ready to get things done.

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Your Boss

Becoming a boss doesn’t automatically make anybody a good manager… So how do you deal with an unpleasant boss? Find ways to work with them that make your life easier and reduce stress on both sides. Remember, your attitude is yours alone to control. Rather than mimicking your boss’s bad behaviors, stay calm and maintain your self-respect. Not only will it help you keep out of trouble, your boss may realize, for instance, that their demands are unfair… And who knows – your boss may turn into a nice person after all!

Adapted from: // pictures/fmlm45kkel/make-sure-itsnot-you Adapted from: http://management.

Your Diet

Buy right to eat right… The outer rim of a grocery store may be easy to pass by, but that’s where you’ll fi nd the freshest food. In the produce department, fruits and vegetables with the darkest reds, greens, purples, yellows and oranges often contain the most essential nutrients for nourishing your body. The aisles in the middle of the store stock packaged and processed food that’s typically high in salt, fat and sugar. Frozen cases offer prepared meals that appeal because they’re convenient, but they are far from healthy. Stay fi t and avoid the stuff in the middle of the store.

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